Thoughts from Pastor Adam's Visit

I would love to give you an overview of my latest trip to Kenya but first I have to admit something. When Marilyn first told me about the ministry God has laid on her heart and what God did through her over the years, I was skeptical. I have been in ministry for a long time and I know that oftentimes pastors, missionaries, missions organizations and so on tend to be evangelistic in how they portray what they do or how many they serve. When I first heard about Helping Kenya Kids and the amount of ministry being done and that 100% of the money raised was going right into ministry, not $1 staying in the USA for anything….I said I need to go see what is really going on.

So, I went to Kenya for the first time and I was blown away. Not only did I see an incredible ministry, but it far exceeded what Marilyn has said! I have seen the finances and can assure you that it exceeded my expectations. My family has sponsored children around the world through various organizations and currently have one through World Vision and right on the World Vision site, you can find that 87% goes to the child. With Helping Kenya Kids 100% goes to helping the student! On the “Ways to Support” tab on the website if donations come in for any of those programs 100% goes straight to that! Again, I have been in ministry for a long time and I have never seen that. I would encourage you to look at the organizations you support and find out how much goes to supporting USA staff, USA offices, USA expenses vs actually goes to the cause you want to support.

How many ministries do you know that have successfully invested in communities and grown them to the point where they can step away and allow them to decide how to move forward and have confidence they will thrive? Helping Kenya Kids has done that with 4 centers!

At the celebration meeting person after person got up to give testimony to how they would not be who they are today without this ministry. At Oloototo the Chief of the entire area got up and talked about how he was raised in the ministry, how Marilyn changed his life, how he would not be where he is today if not for this ministry! A young man got up who is a high-level banking executive and talked about how he would have been illiterate and never been educated and become who he was today if not for this ministry! Several pastors and church planters spoke about how they came up through this ministry and because of it learned about God and went on to plant churches! Teachers testified to how they grew up in these centers and now are giving back by teaching where they grew up. And it went on and on with people testifying to the impact of the ministry and I was blown away!

We visited new areas where the community has asked Helping Kenya Kids to come and start new centers. Places where the children have to have over 14 KM ONE WAY if they want to get to a school! Places where there are NO schools and the children and community are pleading for help to start one. Places where there is NO hospital around where they are pleading for help to start medical clinics. I cannot wait to partner with you to help those who do not have so many of the things we take for granted.

I was able to spend time investing in the pastors in all the Hope Centers and in the local community. Training them up and it was such a wonderful time. I was able to preach in a few Hope Centers and I promise you that you want to go to church in Kenya! Their worship with such abandon that it is inspirational!

I was able to be a part of the feeding program and see how the ministry is blessing ANYONE in the community in need. I was inspired that when the schools closed that the ministry pivoted and started providing food directly to ANY family in the community in need to help the entire family.

It was an amazing trip and I would gladly share more with anyone that would like to know more. If you want to talk more just send us an email and I will give you a call!

God bless, Pastor Adam