…And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
Banding Together to Bring Hope
Helping Kenya Kids is the combination of two non-profit organizations banding together to bring the
Hope of Jesus to rural Kenya.
Helping Kenya Kids
Unites States of America
Helping Kenya Kids is a 501(c)3 organization incorporated in Michigan (USA) and provided tax exempt status through the US Government. All gifts given to Helping Kenya Kids are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Special Ministries
Special Ministries is a registered Non-Governmental Organization in Kenya with the Non-Profit Board of Kenya. This provides special exemption rights within the country. During 2020, Special Ministries was granted full accommodation as a disaster response agency of the Kenyan government.
100% of the funds donated to Helping Kenya Kids (HKK) goes directly to serving the Kenyans in need and the Hope Centers established in Kenya!
Special Ministries, Hope Centers, and all essential services provided in Kenya are staffed and provided by skilled and dedicated Kenyans.
As a young missionary in Kenya, Marilyn Newman witnessed the devastating effects of the Great Famine of 1984, where starvation and drought inflicted immense suffering on the people. Amidst this tragedy, God gave Marilyn a vision for hope. In 1984, she established a non-profit organization called "Special Ministries" in Kenya, later known as "Helping Kenya Kids" in the USA.
Since its inception, Marilyn's unwavering faith and the generosity of global donors have enabled the organization to establish Hope Centers across Kenya. These centers are dedicated to fostering hope and addressing both the physical and spiritual needs of the Kenyan people.
Marilyn Newman went home to be with her Savior in 2020. Three months prior to her passing, Marilyn hired Kenyan businessman, Samson Nangole, as Executive Director.
Helping Kenya Kids is a non-profit organization that welcomes partnerships with individuals, organizations, or churches interested in investing in the lives of the resilient Kenyan people.
Across 10 Hope Centers, they continue to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and provide essential facilities like schools, clinics, churches, administrative buildings, kitchens, and lunchrooms.
Currently, four Hope Centers have achieved local sustainability, with six others in various stages of growth. Hope Center begin with a church planted in a rural area, followed by the addition of a school, well, and medical clinic.
Four Hope Centers are now 100% locally managed, marking a significant milestone toward self-sufficiency. As these Centers no longer require assistance, Helping Kenya Kids can expand into new locations and establish more Hope Centers.
The Hope Center begins with the establishment of a church. Following this, the pastor and community assess the additional services needed in the area - medical center, christian school and fresh water. Helping Kenya Kids supports the development of these resources. The Hope Center becomes the heart of a thriving community. The goal is to have all components 100% Kenyan owned and run.
Spreading the HOPE of Jesus through life sustaining resources.